7 speed reading ex review
7 speed reading ex review

ANALYSING THE BODY FEET 1)when couples get along their feet often touch. *Happy couples have synchronized body patterns, they walk at the same pace and have similar body movements. It can manifest through sucking your thumb, playing with your hair or touching your ears etc. *Pacifier reactions can either be used to add physical comfort to good situations or to ease stress. It will help you read the reactions way better. *Fragment information - in order to know what generates which feeling, fragment the information and discuss part by part. Its reactions also happens very fast, immediately. Limbic= it's easier to look for clusters to identify limbic reactions. *Are behaviors limbic or cultural? Cultural= something that has been taught to us as a common reaction. ANALYSING BEHAVIOR *Behaviors can basically be categorized into comfort and discomfort demonstrations. Boo! *Whenever we feel a threat, we have freeze (predators sometimes don't chase things that don't move), flight (the modern equivalent is not running but distancing yourself) and fight reactions (nowadays usually manifests by arguing). It allows us to create things, think and lie. Good emotions are dealt by the limbic system as well. The limbic system is designed to react, it's subconscious and non cognitive. It doesn't by any mean replace the reading, but it helps remember future useful hints! Hope it's helpful! ABOUT OUR BRAIN *The hippocampus learns and expands, the amygdala senses danger and helps to keep us safe. In order to better remember and use as future reference, I've made a summary with all main contents. Why things taught about nonverbals in the '70s and '80s are incorrect.Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust and communicate authority.The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments.

7 speed reading ex review

What thumbs, feet, and a simple handshake reveal about moods and motives.Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person's true feelings.How the subconscious limbic system drives all body language.

#7 speed reading ex review how to#

In The Power of Body Language, former FBI counterintelligence officer and recognized global expert on nonverbal behavior Joe Navarro teaches you how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for revealing behaviors. When you know how to unlock the secrets of people's nonverbal cues, you'll always have the upper hand in any situation. Know the truth before you ever hear a word!Īpproximately 80% of communication is expressed nonverbally.

7 speed reading ex review

Instantly discover what's really going on around you!

7 speed reading ex review